Netflix does something admirable with its listing thumbnails.
it toggles the image thumbnails of many of its movie and series listings, and also the hover preview clips, from one of 2-3 different ones.
While it might make finding a specific movie or series just by scanning thumbnails a bit tedious for some, in general I believe it makes for a refreshing experience even if the content does not change as often.
A small effort that goes a long way.
Interestingly, another observation with OTT platforms in general that a friend I was catching up with last evening agreed to, is how you painstakingly add all those movies or series you’d love to watch, to your watchlist; but whenever you actually sit to watch, you would rather pick something else than something from your own watchlist!#SampleSizeOfTwo at least can agree to that odd behaviour.
Does this happen with you too? Not driven to watch stuff that you added to your watchlist?