Image (only used the LG image because I use one of their models at home): source
I’m not exactly on top of the latest microwave oven features. Don’t think I even know most of the old ones. But if this feature doesn’t already exist, it would be great to have.
I’m assuming this is how it works with most models, if not all. At home, if I keep a mug of tea in for a minute, when the turntable stops spinning, the mug is in the exact position I left it. Ready to be picked up. However, at different time settings, chances are, the mug’s facing another way when done. And then I need to hold the hot side and spin it around. Or drag it forward on the turntable before being able to hold it by the handle.
Would be great if microwave ovens returned your plate, tray or mug to the original position on completion, irrespective of exact heating time. Perfect for easy and safe retrieval. And it should be easy from a programming point of view as well. And far more useful from a user point of view.